What is RF Microneedling?

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling is a globally recognized, minimally invasive skincare treatment aimed at revitalizing your skin. The procedure employs a device fitted with golden, micro-fine needles that create minor punctures in the skin’s surface layer. This stimulation triggers the body’s natural production of elastin and collagen, resulting in enhanced skin texture, fine line and wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, and skin resurfacing.

Woman receiving facial RF microneedling

Very similar to regular microneedling, patients are numbed with a topical cream for 45 minutes. A beeping noise is heard from the device working as the handpiece is passed over the treatment area. Treatment for a whole face takes about 30 minutes. Mild to moderate discomfort has been reported by patients, typically around the hairline.

What Is The Procedure Like?

Close up photo of the needle tip headpiece on RF microneedling device

What Does Recovery
Look Like?

We love the downtime with RF because it is minimal; most patients have recovered by the day following treatment. Some patients can have red or pink skin for 1-2 days. You can have some drier skin than usual and some itching, which is completely normal. Your normal skincare routine can be resumed 2-3 days after treatment.

Risk and Benefits

Close up of needle pen tip on RF microneedling device

How long do results last?

RF Microneedling is our favorite treatment for skin tightening of the neck, under eyes, and jowls. It is also an effective scar treatment, enhances the skin’s overall appearance, reduces pore size, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The following day most patients notice an improvement in their skin texture, but your skin restructuring from this procedure will continue for 3-6 months, with the max benefit being noticed around 6-12 months after treatment.

Woman undergoing facial RF microneedling

What to do before the procedure?

There is a risk of some pinpoint bruising. Some people experience temperature and sunlight sensitivity for about 24 hours. It is essential to wear SPF 30 or more during recovery and after treatment to avoid sun damage.

What to do before the procedure?
We recommend stopping any skin sensitizing skincare products for a week prior to your treatment. This includes AHAs, BHAs, other chemical exfoliants, Vitamin C and retinoids. Do not apply any product to the treatment area for 4 hours after treatment. Beards should be clean shaven. We also recommend coming to the clinic with a face clean of any makeup or lotions.

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