What is IPL?

IPL, also known as intense pulsed light, is a treatment administering pulses of light energy on the skin to treat various concerns such as acne, fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and to improve overall tone and texture.

Smiling woman receiving facial IPL

Patients typically will experience mild to moderate discomfort during an IPL treatment. Numbing is available to minimize discomfort, it is applied for about 30 minutes prior to treatment. Protective goggles are worn by both the patient and the clinician. The procedure lasts about 5 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area.

What Is The Procedure Like?

Smiling woman receiving facial IPL wearing protective eyewear

What Does Recovery
Look Like?

Mild swelling and redness are normal for the first few hours to a few days after treatment at worst with a sunburn-like sensation. Pigmented lesions sometimes darken for a couple days after treatment.  It is common to have drier skin than usual, along with some itching which can improve with proper moisturizing.  Sunscreen is a must to heal properly!

Risk and Benefits

Woman receiving facial IPL treatment while wearing protective eyewear

How long do results last?

Is an effective treatment for redness (e.g. rosacea), brown spots (e.g. melasma, hyperpigmentation), active and chronic acne, and fine lines/wrinkles.

IPL treatments offer a powerful way to rejuvenate your skin. This non-invasive technology uses pulses of light to tackle a variety of concerns. From fading sun damage and wrinkles to improving texture and treating rosacea, IPL can give you a more even and youthful appearance. Even unwanted hair can be addressed with this versatile treatment. While multiple sessions might be needed and darker skin tones may require caution, IPL offers a safe and effective solution with minimal downtime.

Before and after of brown spot/melasma using IPL

What to do before the procedure?

There is a small risk of minor hair loss which is usually temporary. There is also a risk of striping/grid patterns left over from the treatment process. Discomfort is usually only reported during the treatment; if there is any pain after treatment, your provider should be informed immediately. We will discuss all of the risks and benefits of the procedure so you feel confident in your treatment plan.

What to do before the procedure?
Stop skin sensitizing products (AHAs, BHAs, retinol, vitamin c) for a week prior to your treatment to minimize skin sensitivity and discomfort. Use adequate sun protection and try to avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks prior to your treatment and for 4 weeks after to avoid further pigmentation changes. If you get cold sores, we recommend pre-treating with an antiviral such as acyclovir or valacyclovir which we can provide. Hair in the treatment area should be shaved to reduce the risk of skin damage.

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